List of articles about the smallest perfect magic cube.
After the discovery in November 2003 of the first known perfect magic cube of order 5 by Walter Trump and me (see the smallest possible perfect cube), numerous articles were published both in print and on the Internet. For example, four nice published illustrations of our cube:
"Die Zeit" (left) and "Sciences et Avenir" (right).
the left: thanks to Bruno Bourgeois, B2
Infographie, author of this "Science & Vie" image.
the right: thanks to Gary L. Musser and Blake E. Peterson to have
thought of our cube for the
cover of the 7th edition of their book "Mathematics
for Elementary Teachers". Publisher : Wiley, 2006.
can click on these 2 images to enlarge them.
Here is the main articles that we are aware of, the logos being clickable. By chronological order, many thanks to:
Eric Weisstein, , Nov. 18, 2003: "Perfect magic cube of order 5 discovered"
Andreas Stiller, , Nov. 19, 2003: "Perfekter magischer Würfel der Ordnung 5 gefunden"
Andreas Stiller, , Dec. 1, 2003: "Der Würfel ist gefallen"
Gérard Sevestre, Sciences n°1423, Dec. 4, 2003: "Découverte du plus petit cube magique parfait"
Christoph Drösser, , Dec. 4, 2003: "Zaubern mit Zahlen"
, Dec. 5, 2003: "Cientistas decobrem medidas perfeitas de cubo"
Both and , Dec. 5, 2003: "Menor cubo mágico possível é construído"
, Dec. 5, 2003: "Logan construir un cubo mágico"
Frédéric Lewino, , Dec. 5, 2003: "Une histoire de cubes"
Jean-François Augereau, , Dec. 7-8, 2003: "Une découverte mathématique qui ne sert à rien" (?)
Elke Grasser-Reitzner, , Dec. 8, 2003: "109 Wege führen zum magischen Würfel"
Françoise Cinotti and Philippe Boulanger, , Jan. 2004: "Le plus petit cube magique parfait"
, Jan. 2004: "Le plus petit cube parfait"
Elisabeth Busser, , Jan.-Feb. 2004: "Mathématiques de l'inutile" (about Le Monde)
Ivars Peterson, Jan. 3, 2004: "Perfect magic cubes"
Ivars Peterson, , Jan. 5, 2004: "Perfect magic cubes"
Caroline de Malet, , Jan. 6, 2004: "Le plus petit cube magique parfait"
Federico Peiretti, ,
Jan. 7, 2004: "Cubi magici"
the PDF file (337Kb) of this article published in Italian in TST
La Stampa
Sénateur Robert-Denis del Picchia, , Jan. 9, 2004: "Cubes magiques"
, Jan. 11, 2004: "5x5x5-taikakuutio löytyi"
Benoît Rittaud, , Feb. 2004: "Cube magique parfait d'ordre 5"
Nicolas Revoy, , March 2004: "Cube magique - La perfection a été atteinte !"
Christoph Pöppe, , March 2004: "Perfekte magische Würfel"
March 2004: "Le plus petit cube magique parfait"
the PDF file (955Kb) of this article published in French in La Recherche
Odile Landreau, ARTS &
METIERS Magazine,
Dec. 2005:
"Le cube était presque parfait : une enquête à rebondissements"
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