Euler's Formulas for 3x3 Magic Squares of 6 Squares
by Lee Morgenstern, December 2011.
Euler wrote several papers about magic squares. He also derived several generating formulas for 3x3 magic squares of 6 squares (although in a disguised form). The generating formulas produce some, but not all solutions.
For each solution, there are several ways of putting them into a magic square and then testing for a 7th square.
You can potentially find 100-digit solutions with these formulas in a reasonable amount of time.
E806 contains fragments from Euler's notebooks. Sections 58, 59, and 60 have formulas that produce two 3-square arithmetic progressions having the same step value.
pp + qq = 2yy
rr + ss = 2xx
pp - qq
= rr - ss
Rearrange the entries of a 3x3 magic square to expose the arithmetic progressions.
c+a c-a-b c+b c-a-b
c-b c-b+a
c-a+b c c-b+a ---->
c-a c c+a
c+a+b c-a c-a+b
c+b c+a+b
The three rows, the three columns, and the two diagonals are all 3-square arithmetic progressions. Note that the row AP's all have the same step value.
We can put two 3-square arithmetic progressions having the same step value in three different row combinations.
Thus there are 9 different values to test for a 7th square for each of Euler's generated 6-square solutions.
pp yy qq pp
yy qq -- -- --
xx ss -- -- -- pp
yy qq
-- -- -- rr
xx ss rr xx ss
The other 9 entries can be computed as follows.
(2rr-pp) (rr+pp)/2
(2xx-yy) (xx+yy)/2
(2ss-qq) (ss+qq)/2
E796 contains generating formulas for the problem of finding three squares such that the sum of each two equals twice a square. Thus we need to find 6 squares that satisfy the following conditions.
pp + qq = 2zz
pp + rr = 2yy
qq + rr
= 2xx
There are three ways of assigning the six squares to the entries of the magic square. Thus there are 9 different values to test for a 7th square for each of Euler's generated 6-square solutions.
c-a-b c-b c-b+a
c-a c
c-a+b c+b c+a+b
pp zz qq qq
xx rr rr yy pp
xx -- zz yy -- xx
zz --
rr -- -- pp
-- -- qq -- --
The other 9 entries can be computed as follows.
(xx-zz+qq) (yy-xx+rr)
(rr-yy+xx) (pp-zz+yy)
(rr-pp+qq) (pp-qq+rr)
Rotating and reflecting the configuration does not produce any new entry values.
E797 concerns finding four values A,B,C,D satisfying the following conditions.
A+B = pp
A+C = qq
A+D = B+C = rr
= ss
C+D = tt
A < B < C < D
This is equivalent to finding a 3x3 magic square having 5 square entries as follows.
c+a c-a-b c+b C+D
2A B+D tt -- ss
c c-b+a ---> 2B A+D 2C
---> -- rr --
c-b c+a+b c-a A+C
2D A+B qq -- pp
You can safely ignore this paper because my 5-square solution is better and can be used in any arrangement to produce any 7-square solution.
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