Order 17 Tetramagic Series Impossibility Theorem. There are no order 17 tetramagic series. Proof. S1 = 2465 S2 = 475745 S3 = 103295825 S4 = 23923217921 S4 ≡ 1 (mod 16), thus there must be either 1 or 17 odd entries in a tetramagic series.
Case 1 of 2: 17 odd entries (all entries are odd) Let 8Aj+1 be the square of an odd entry, j = 1 ... 17. Let Tn = sum (Aj)n, j = 1 ... 17, n = 1,2. S2 = 8T1 + 17 thus (S2 - 17)/8 = T1 = 59466 and T1 is even. S4 = 64T2 + 16T1 + 17 thus (S4 - 17)/16 = 4T2 + T1 = (23923217921 - 17)/16 = 1495201119 and T1 is odd. T1 can't be both odd and even.
Case 2 of 2: 16 even entries and 1 odd entry. Let 2Aj be an even entry, j = 1 ... 16. Let G = 2K+1 be the odd entry. Let Tn = sum (Aj)n, j = 1 ... 16, n = 1,2,3,4. S1 = 2T1 + 2K + 1 = 2465 S2 = 4T2 + 4K2 + 4K + 1 = 475745 S3 = 8T3 + 8K3 + 12K2 + 6K + 1 = 103295825 S4 = 16T4 + 16K4 + 32K3 + 24K2 + 8K + 1 = 23923217921 (S2 - 1)/4 = T2 + K(K+1) = 118936 K(K+1) must be even and 118936 is even, thus T2 is even. T1..T4 are even. (S1 - 1)/2 = T1 + K = 1232. T1 is even and 1232 is even, thus K is even. Let K = 2L. (S3 - 1)/4 = 2T3 + 16L3 + 12L2 + 3L = 25823956 Since T3 is even, 2T3 is a multiple of 4 as well as 16L3, 12L2, and 25823956, thus 3L must be a multiple of 4. Since 3 and 4 are coprime, L must be a multiple of 4. Let L = 4M and thus K = 8M and G = 16M+1. Rewriting the equations in terms of M, we have T1 + 8M = 1232 ≡ 0 (mod 4) T2 + 64M2 + 8M = 118936 ≡ 0 (mod 8) T3 + 512M3 + 96M2 + 6M = 12911978 ≡ 2 (mod 4) T4 + 256M4 + 1024M3 + 96M2 + 4M = 1495201120 ≡ 0 (mod 8) thus T1 ≡ 0 (mod 4) T2 ≡ 0 (mod 8) T3 ≡ 0 (mod 4) if M is odd ≡ 2 (mod 4) if M is even T4 ≡ 4 (mod 8) if M is odd ≡ 0 (mod 8) if M is even ---------- Argument A An even cube ≡ 0 (mod 4), thus T3 ≡ sum of odd cubes (mod 4). An odd entry ≡ that entry cubed (mod 4). Sum of even entries ≡ (T1 - sum of odd entries) (mod 4) ≡ (T1 - sum of odd cubes) (mod 4) ≡ (T1 - T3) (mod 4), therefore sum of even entries ≡ 0 (mod 4) if M is odd, ≡ 2 (mod 4) if M is even. ---------- Argument B An even 4th power ≡ 0 (mod 8), thus T4 ≡ sum of odd 4th powers (mod 8). An odd entry squared ≡ 4th power of that entry (mod 8). Sum of even squares ≡ (T2 - sum of odd squares) (mod 8) ≡ (T2 - sum of odd 4th powers) (mod 8) ≡ (T2 - T4) (mod 8), hence sum of even squares ≡ 4 (mod 8) if M is odd, ≡ 0 (mod 8) if M is even. If M is odd, there must be an odd number of singly even entries, if M is even, there must be an even number of singly even entries, therefore sum of even entries ≡ 2 (mod 4) if M is odd, ≡ 0 (mod 4) if M is even. ---------- The conclusion of Argument B is the exact opposite of Argument A; T1 and T3 (mod 4) are inconsistent with T2 and T4 (mod 8); therefore, no order 17 tetramagic series exists.