Magic squares of squares
See also the
4x4 to 7x7 Magic squares of squares page
also the Latest research on the 3x3 Magic
squares of squares page
also the Magic squares of cubes page
Beginning of the article
notes on the magic squares of squares problem”
by Christian
Boyer, and published in The
Mathematical Intelligencer (Vol 27, N 2, Spring 2005, pages 52-64)
Monsieur, que je vous parle encore d'un problème
qui me paraît fort curieux
et digne de toute attention”
Euler, 1770, sending his 4×4 magic square of squares to Joseph
Can a 3x3 magic square be constructed with nine distinct square numbers? This short question asked by Martin LaBar[38] in 1984 became famous when Martin Gardner republished it in 1996[25] [26] and offered $100 to the first person to construct such a square. Two years later, Gardner wrote[28]:
So far no one has come forward with a “square of squares” – but no one has proved its impossibility either. If it exists, its numbers would be huge, perhaps beyond the reach of today’s fastest computers.
Today, this problem is not yet solved. Several other articles in various magazines have been published[10] [11] [12] [27] [29] [30] [49] [51] [52]. John P. Robertson[51] showed that the problem is equivalent to other mathematical problems on arithmetic progressions, on Pythagorean right triangles, on congruent numbers and elliptic curves y2 = x3 – n2x. Lee Sallows[52] discussed the subject in The Mathematical Intelligencer presenting the nice (LS1) square, a near-solution with only one bad sum.
127² |
46² |
58² |
2² |
113² |
94² |
74² |
82² |
97² |
In the present article I add both old forgotten European works of XVIIIth/XIXth centuries that I am proud to revive (and to numerically complete for the first time[9]) after years of oblivion, and very recent developments of the very last months on the problem - and more generally on multimagic squares, cubes and hypercubes. And I have highlighted 10 open subjects. An open invitation to number-lovers!
The magic square of squares problem is an important part of unsolved problem D15 of Richard K. Guy’s Unsolved Problems in Number Theory book[30], third edition, 2004, summarizing the main published articles on this subject since 1984. I have organized my exposition around nine quotations from Guy’s text.
…For the continuation, read the complete
article in The Mathematical Intelligencer
or read its summary
in the presentation used for the lecture
A referenced[9] (but non-published) supplement to the M.I. article is available from this site, including four new magic squares (CB15) through (CB18), a numerical analysis of Euler’s 4x4 and Lucas’s 3x3 squares of squares, and some results on the magic squares of prime squares problem. Two formats are available:
Several 4x4 and 5x5 magic squares of squares are published in the M.I. article. The first 6x6 and 7x7 magic squares of squares were constructed unfortunately later, after the article and after the above supplement. They are available here:
Each multimagic (bimagic, trimagic,…) square is a “magic square of squares” when its numbers are squared. But a “magic square of squares” is rarely a multimagic square because it is probably not magic when its numbers are not squared. This remark does not imply that magic squares of squares problems are easier than multimagic problems…
Order |
Magic squares of squares |
Bimagic squares |
Normal bimagic squares |
3x3 |
Who? Or proof of its impossibility? |
Impossible. E. Lucas (1891) |
4x4 |
L. Euler (1770) |
Impossible. |
Impossible. |
5x5 |
C. Boyer (2004) |
Who? Or proof of its impossibility? |
Impossible. |
6x6 |
C. Boyer (2005) |
J. Wroblewski (2006) |
7x7 |
C. Boyer (2005) |
L. Morgenstern (2006) |
8x8 |
G. Pfeffermann
(8x8 in 1890, 9x9 in 1891). |
In the article, 10 open problems wait your answers, including my open problem 2: for its solution, I offer a €100 prize + a bottle of champagne!!!
If you arrive at solutions or partial results to any of these problems, send me a message. Your results will be added here.
Lecture presenting the main points of the article
If you want to see a summary of the article, this part is for you!
In a series organized by the University of Picardy, the ESIEE Amiens, the URISP-CNISF, and the ADCS in March-April 2005, several scientific lectures were presented in Amiens to mark the 100th anniversary of the death of Jules Verne.
Jules Verne (Nantes 1828 - Amiens 1905), Edouard Lucas (Amiens 1842 - Paris
During this event, I gave a lecture titled “Resort to computing on a problem of Euler and of Lucas”:
C. Boyer during the lecture, slide 8.
Photo by Marc Lecoester,
President of the URISP. Click on the image to enlarge it (JPG file, 1.2Mb).
You can download the presentation used for this lecture:
If you do not have the PowerPoint 2003 product, there is a free viewer downloadable from the Microsoft site which will allow you to see the presentation. Go to Google or Yahoo!, and type “PowerPoint Viewer 2003”: you will immediately get the Microsoft link to download this tool. Do not use PowerPoint Viewer 97, the sequences will be incorrectly displayed.
Congratulations and thanks to Yves Roussel for organizing the series of lectures commemorating the Jules Verne centenary.
List of figures of the article and its supplement
Part 1
1² |
68² |
44² |
76² |
16² |
23² |
28² |
41² |
64² |
Part 2
373² |
289² |
565² |
360721 |
425² |
23² |
205² |
527² |
222121 |
Part 4
Part 5
68² |
29² |
41² |
37² |
17² |
31² |
79² |
32² |
59² |
28² |
23² |
61² |
11² |
77² |
8² |
49² |
48² |
23² |
6² |
19² |
21² |
26² |
33² |
32² |
1² |
36² |
13² |
42² |
22² |
27² |
44² |
9² |
(2k + 42)² |
(4k + 11)² |
(8k - 18)² |
(k + 16)² |
(k - 24)² |
(8k + 2)² |
(4k + 21)² |
(2k - 38)² |
(4k - 11)² |
(2k - 42)² |
(k - 16)² |
(8k + 18)² |
(8k - 2)² |
(k + 24)² |
(2k + 38)² |
(4k - 21)² |
1² |
2² |
31² |
3² |
20² |
22² |
16² |
13² |
5² |
21² |
11² |
23² |
10² |
24² |
7² |
12² |
15² |
9² |
27² |
14² |
25² |
19² |
8² |
6² |
17² |
Bimagic squares
Part 7
Part 8
References from the article
from this site or from the Internet
[4] Christian Boyer, Les premiers carrés tétra et
pentamagiques, Pour La Science (the
French edition of Scientific American),
N°286 August 2001, 98-102
Download the PDF file (168Kb)
(see also
[5] Christian Boyer, Les
cubes magiques, Pour La Science (the
French edition of Scientific American),
N°311 September 2003, 90-95
(see also
[6] Christian Boyer, Le plus
petit cube magique parfait, La Recherche,
N°373 March 2004, 48-50
the PDF file (955Kb)
[7] Christian
Boyer, Multimagic squares, cubes and hypercubes web site,
[8] Christian Boyer, A search for 3x3 magic squares
having more than six square integers among their nine distinct integers,
preprint, September 2004
the PDF file (60Kb)
(see also slide 15 of the lecture)
[9] Christian Boyer, Supplement to the “Some notes on
the magic squares of squares problem” article, 2005
Download the PDF file
(see also slide 18 of the
[10] Andrew Bremner, On squares of squares, Acta Arithmetica, 88(1999)
Download the PDF file (99Kb)
(see also slide 7 of the lecture)
[11] Andrew Bremner, On squares of squares II, Acta Arithmetica, 99(2001)
Download the PDF file (172Kb)
(see also slides 11-12 of the lecture)
[12] Duncan A. Buell, A search for a magic hourglass, preprint, 1999
the PDF file (101Kb)
(see also slide 10 of the lecture)
[42] Edouard
Lucas, Sur le carré de 3 et sur les carrés à deux degrés, Les Tablettes du Chercheur, March 1st 1891, p.7 (reprint in [44]
and in
[49] Landon W. Rabern, Properties of magic
squares of squares, Rose-Hulman Institute
of Technology Undergraduate Math Journal, 4(2003),
[50] Carlos Rivera,
(Puzzle 79 « The
Chebrakov’s Challenge »)
(Puzzle 287 « Multimagic prime squares ») (Puzzle 288 « Magic square of (prime) squares »)
Puzzle 288, see also slide 17 of the lecture, and part
3 of the supplement)
[52] Lee Sallows, The lost theorem, The Mathematical Intelligencer, 19(1997), n°4, 51-54
the PDF file (76Kb)
(see also slides 6-7 of the lecture)
[54] Richard Schroeppel, The center cell of a magic 53 is 63,
[57] Neil Sloane, Multimagic sequences A052457,
A052458, A090037, A090653, A092312, ATT Research’s
Online Encyclopaedia of Integer Sequences,
[58] Paul
Tannery and Charles Henry, Lettre XXXVIIIb bis, Fermat à Mersenne, Toulouse, 1
avril 1640, Œuvres de Fermat, Gauthier-Villars,
Paris, 2(1894), 186-194
(partial reprint of
the letter at
[60] Walter Trump, Story of the smallest trimagic square,
January 2003,
[62] Eric Weisstein, Magic figures, MathWorld,
[63] Eric Weisstein, Perfect magic cube, MathWorld,
Christian Boyer. |
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